Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

Does the Punan Dayak Tribe Run the Free Sex Tradition


Some time ago, a sociologist (UI) in connection with a nasty case of one of the bands, when asked by reporters about free sex, he answered that in the Dayak tribe free sex was something normal. So, like a burning fireball, Dayaks oppose the opinion of the sociologist. Because from time to time, the lives of Dayak people who continue to advance, the practice of free sex seems to have been forgotten even though their ancestors used to do it.

Only that the Punan in ancient times, the ancient Punan people still adhered to free sex. But, as far as the two different types of insane agreed to have sex to build a family.

There, as said before, a man and woman can have sex with anyone, on the basis of liking. If a woman is pregnant and some men feel that as his wife, because they have had intimate relationships like husband and wife, then they will take care of the baby together without any resentment or jealousy.

That such life behavior as "P" free sex behavior does not know. "P" does not trace the problem either. And "P" also does not know, is sexual behavior and how to foster families in caring for children together is still valid now? "P" doesn't know either.

However, one thing is certain that the Punan Dayak tribe also has its own marriage tradition, and is very simple. At a minimum it has been going on now. As Libun Ayu - Chairperson of the Punan Malinau Customary Institution - The cultural value contained in the marriage of the Punan Dayak tribe is a set of ethical and aesthetic values, togetherness, customary sharing and noble values ​​of building an independent and cultured family.

The Punan Dayak community has its own wedding tradition. The principle of marriage in the Punan Dayak community is to build a new family that can produce offspring and foster families and can contribute directly to the community in sustaining and preserving their ancestral customs on an ongoing basis.

The Punan Dayak Tribe has a marriage process as below

1. Apply or Makum Oroh

To apply or Makum Oroh a Punan Dayak girl usually uses an intermediary or "matchmaker" where in tribal marriage law often do not know who the husband is and who his future wife is, then the parents of prospective husband and wife who choose and make choices.
Both parents will negotiate if there is a family strap and bad things for both prospective marriage, the marriage will be canceled.

2. Parents' wishes

After negotiations there were no family straps and no things were found that were not good on both men and women, so at this stage they had received the blessing to sleep together from the two brides.

3. After approval

After the stage of approval, the two families will make a small ceremony as an announcement to their community and as a witness where both parents approve the bride to eat together at one place, this stage is called a scroller.

4. The last part is Niran

The bride of the bride is taken to the place of the bridegroom. At this stage the bridegroom must surrender the goods in the form of tajau (Tempayan), gong, even in ancient times humans had to be handed over as slaves to the women.

However, this is no longer done, moreover the majority of Punan Dayaks have embraced Christianity. The Punan Dayak wedding procession is also usually interspersed with dances that are usually performed by Punan residents in every time before the wedding.

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