Senin, 20 Agustus 2018

Sex Education for Children

sex education for children and adolescents is very necessary. In this case, the role of parents is very important to be demanded to be more dominant, not someone else. Of course the implementation does not ignore the age and development of children. Obtaining sex education is a child's right that needs to be fulfilled. Ignoring it is the same as opening the gate of opportunity as wide as possible for children to find out for themselves as a result they are frustrated. And in these circumstances, the child may be caught in a wrong understanding of sex.

So that our understanding of sex education becomes accurate, here I describe practical sex education. First of all, we understand first what education is. In a simple perspective, education is an effort that is created intentionally and aims to educate, train and guide someone in order to develop their individual and social abilities. Next, we see what is meant by sex. Sex in the strict sense is sex. While in a broad sense, sex involves all aspects of differences between men and women in terms of physical, biological, psychological, and social related in humans. Sex also means physical-genetic and its function is related to sex (sex).

Thus sex education can be understood as an effort created intentionally and aims to educate, train, and guide children about sex in order to anticipate sexual intimidation that they may experience according to their individual and social abilities. Sex education also means the effort to transfer knowledge and values ​​(physical and genetic) about physical-genetic and its functions related to gender (sex).

Thus, sex education for children is an effort to teach, raise awareness, and illuminate sexual problems given to children, in an effort to keep children free from intimidation / sexual violence. Practically, sex education is an attempt to convey information about sexuality clearly and true for children.

I will start discussing sex education for children by answering the question, why should sex education for children be done ?? The answer is because children have a very important position in life, not only in the family, but also in the community. We know, children are the pride of the family and the successor of the family. Children also have a special role in society. Therefore the future of children must be prepared early. This preparation is not only related to capital to get provisions related to general science that manifests in various disciplines but also involves the formation of more specific characters referring to knowledge about sex or itself in its physical-genetic meaning and its function related to gender. Therefore, it can be said that sex education for children is not only a necessity but a child's right to know about sex.

Because of this consideration, sex education for children is carried out with the aim of:

1. Helping children know biological topics such as gender, growth, etc.

2. Prevent children from acts of sexual violence

3. Encourage children to create good relationships

4. Prevent children from engaging in sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse)

Practically speaking, sex education for children can be started by teaching about shyness, such as getting children to change clothes in a closed room (bedroom or bathroom), getting used to not passing clothes without wearing clothes (naked), getting children to throw urine or defecating in the bathroom or toilet, get used to sleeping alone or with a sister with the same sex, and getting children to clean their own genitals so that children do not depend on others. It is also intended that children do not just give others the opportunity to touch and see their genitals.

Sex education for children is only effective if it is done based on the stages of child development, in accordance with the age range, namely:

- children  (1-4 years) At this age parents can begin to introduce their sex organs briefly. No need to give a detailed explanation because the toddler attention span is very short. This can be done when bathing your child. Parents can tell various organs of the child's body, such as hair, head, hands, feet, stomach, and do not forget the penis or vagina.

children (4-6 years). At this age parents explain the difference in genitals of the opposite sex, for example if your child has a sister of the opposite sex. Also emphasize that the genitals should not be seen carelessly, nor should they allow others to touch them without the parents knowing them. Teach also how to fight if there are people who hold their genitals without the knowledge of parents. The simplest but most effective way is to shout loudly and report to parents.

age children (6-11 years). Children in this age range (Sometimes, there are children aged 3 and 4 years) usually start actively asking about sex with more specific questions. For example, where did the baby come from. Of course, parents' answers must be frank and what they are. And end by saying that sex can only be done by adults or married people (husband and wife).

- Ahead of teenagers. Parents must explain about menstruation, wet dreams, and also physical changes, such as changes in breasts in women or changes in voice in men.

-Teen. In this period, intensively, parents must instill moral values ​​related to sex. Give an explanation of the adverse effects, both physical and psychological, that may be experienced when involved in premature sexual activity.

The impact is that there is no Sex Education for Children

There are at least three impacts that children may experience if they do not get sex education early.

physical impact, which is affected by infectious diseases and children who are trapped in free sex. But not only this can happen. Children can experience sexual violence (abuse) or abuse child. Obviously, the cause is because it is not told about the physical-genetic and its functions related to gender. As a result, when there are people who are not responsible for carrying out their depraved actions, the child does not know how to avoid them.

furthermore, the psychological impact, the child experiences deep traumatic; this is not only about attitude and mental changes but also concerns the emergence of a sense of disbelief in others, children are always suspicious and have bad predictions on people, and social impacts, children get stigma or negative labels. We know that even a very liberal society cannot ignore social sanctions against victims of sexual violence. If sex education for children is not carried out early, children can become sexual intercourse actors, in this case the child is not only a victim but can also be a perpetrator of sexual violence. Why? Because children do not know how to treat others fairly. We know, sexual abuse often occurs because of a knowledge deficit about sex, and not just because of wrong understanding.

Tips on Sex Education for Children

1. Be honest and open. Parents must convey information about sex correctly and as it is. It is not permissible to answer children's questions carelessly, inaccurately especially until it deviates from the subject of the question. This will teach children to be honest and open to parents and others. During this time, in our experience, parents are not honest with children, for example by calling their genitals with other names.

2. Relax. Sex education for children must take place in an atmosphere of relaxed, reasonable, and ordinary in the sense of not exaggerating the problem because they think sex is a heavy topic. Voice intonation is needed.

3. Can not be excited or excessive. In a practical sense, parents must suppress their feelings of anxiety and fear when explaining about sex.

4. Don't let children see our confusion when explaining sex. Parents can only suppress or eliminate confusion when they have been able to break away from all negative perceptions of sex.

5. Avoid scolding children for asking questions about sex. This also involves saying that sex is sinful, dirty, or not worth talking about. This will adversely affect the child. Children will develop negative perceptions about sex and ultimately have a misunderstanding.

6. Can not be vulgar. Sex education for children which is done vulgarly will actually have a negative impact on children. Parents should look at the age factor and the target to be addressed.


Sex education for children needs to be done early. Sex education early on allows children to get the right information from their parents, not from others. Make sure your child gets an understanding of early sex. Free porn videos

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