Kamis, 16 Agustus 2018

The peak of sexual pleasure turns out to be achieved in the 60s

Love does not look at age. But for sex, many think young age is the best time. However, the survey actually proves that sexual life will reach its peak when it reaches the age of 60.

The survey found that men and women would achieve the most satisfying sexual life when they had passed almost a quarter of their lives.

Reporting from the Times of India page, a survey of 7,000 single people shows that 65-year-old women and 63-year-old men have the best sexual life. Sex therapists say their sexual lives are more satisfying to single men and women.

Sex experts believe that at this age, single men and women are more experienced and they really know what they want and want. At this age, they also feel free to explore the dimensions of their sexuality. As you get older, you will truly understand what you like physically.

Many people who think they are younger have the best time in their sexual activity. But, this survey revealed that as you get older, your sexual life gets better.

Human Age Limit Only Up to 115 Years
In addition, a study published by the National found that women in particular experienced a satisfying sexual life even in their 80s. Sexual experience is also much better than when they were in their 50s. This study proves that you will be more experienced as you age.

Contrary to what many people believe. Older people also enjoy spending time on activities in bed.

There is a study conducted in 2010 which shows that most married couples are sexually active in their 80s. Many of them also revealed oral sex, sex, and masturbation in the 80s and 90s.

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